Future Dubstep 03: Mixed by MRK1 – Out Now on iTunes
This is the 3rd in a series of successful live mix compilations from Big In Ibiza and leading Dubstep label Eight:FX, following on from Future Dubstep 01, Mixed by the Dubstep scene’s original DJ, Kiss 100’s Hatcha and Future Dubstep:02, mixed live by Bare Noize.
Out now exclusive to Itunes : http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=349466603&s
When deciding who should mix Future:Dubstep:03 there was no hesitation in asking MRK1. He is undoubtedly one of Dubstep’s most established and respected figure heads.
MRK1’s success behind the decks and studio buttons have led him to appear on almost every major UK radio station including Kiss FM, BBC Radio 1, 1xtra and Galaxy FM. On top of this Mark has also been featured in major dance publications from Mixmag to IDJ and DJ magazine.
21 tracks and a continuous DJ mix.